Thursday, June 27, 2013

HRS for today the 27th

hello freinds!

Here is the latest update from HourlyRevShare:
HRS-II – Update Thursday June 27

Hi Everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed a Great Weekend. Saturday Morning was the First Time in Months that Analie was able to enjoy a lazy breakfast/brunch. Her feedback on that? “Oh God, that felt good.”

Well, we are working away to further perfect our New HRS-II Yacht:
we will call her “The HRS-II Princess” -

It’s almost as if we’ve gone from a “Sinking Titanic – with HRS-I” (which was doomed to “sink” if we weren’t going to Drastically Step In and Change) to a much more Advanced, safer and more stable “Queen Mary 2 – with HRS-II” (which is More Powerful, More Flexible, More Stable, and structured to withstand even the toughest of storms… while still giving all the Joys and Satisfaction that the Original HRS-I brought us in the beginning days plus many Extra Advantages that will be added along the way – to make your New Journey even more enjoyable and more profitable). And, at the moment, we still are in fully progress of transferring over our “Valued Passengers” as carefully and as respectfully as we can, onto our New Vessel.

Some believe that HRS-II is just a few of the Numbers that have been changed… but don’t be fooled by their short-sightedness. HRS-II has 7 Major Modifications to its Operations and Algorithms, which are all interactive and empowering each other. Even if only 1 of these Modifications had been put in place, that would have already improved HRS-I a lot… but we wanted more and we needed more. These 7 Modifications all interact with each other in a Dynamic Way – and One magnifies the Other,… so it’s like we have the Power of 49 Major Enhancements. HRS-II has come much closer to a Healthy Human Body, where all the Systems must interactively operate together to bring Health and Happiness.

Today, this Market Place has become like a Constant Birth and Burial Scene… a New Program arrives, and a few weeks later, the same Program disappears. Even with some of the ones that ran for several months… all of a sudden… Boom… gone and never to be seen again. Well… for Analie, such was not an option. She realizes that the families around the world, who want to generated income from the Internet (and that is over 100 Million Families already), are wanting to find a solid and lasting program. A program one can be proud and comfortable to introduce to your own Friends and Family. And that is what HRS-II will be – once all the pieces are in place, and once we are fully experienced in sailing this amazing vessel.

As we indicated on Friday these are our 2 Top Priorities:

»» Priority # 1 – the wrong zero balances
The top Priority is to Focus on getting all accounts Funded. The Admin Team is working around the clock resolving all the Support Tickets to correct the wrong zero balances.

»» Priority # 2 – the PIF Accounts of HRS-I
The next Top Priority is the Most Fair Solution for a very Complex issue – the PIF’d Accounts

»» Priority # 1 – the Wrong Zero Balances

As many of you (578 Members to be precise) have noticed that your necessary correction was made in your HRS-II account. We thank Moni and her Team for that. And we appreciate that many of you have Posted your Gratitude.

Current Progress Stats

- There are 2,331 Tickets Submitted on the Subject (Wrong Zero Balances).
- 578 of them have now already been Resolved.
- And some have been submitted into the wrong Category.
- There are currently 4 people working on that.
- There are 6 to 8 New People about to start training to help with that.

The Objective is to get all Tickets (on the Wrong Zero Balances)
Resolved by early Next Week.

Resolving such an account is not an easy task. This is manual work, and it must be done with accuracy. There is many different factors involved, so each Ticket, each Account must be treated with Special Attention – so that the end result is What it is Supposed to be. Not a Rush Job for sure.
It represents a very Sacred Value for each Family involved – and that is why our Support Staff is doing it – with Precision and Carefully with “gloves on”. On that Level, we treat each Member as a VIP (even the smallest Basic Account). We understand that Your Funds are your most Precious Asset.

You can help us and help yourself:

1. if you submitted your ticket to another category, it will take longer for your issue to be dealt with (if you know you did, go in an remove your Ticket and submit correctly)

2. Please do not submit another ticket if you have already (correctly) done so.
Duplicate tickets are slowing down the process for the admin staff.

3. Support tickets relating to other matters will be responded to once the process of adding missing Ad packs is completed.

4. To ensure that you receive a response, please open a Gmail account and check your spam mail (many other email addresses do not work).

*** please do not send Support Tickets for PIF Accounts, as this Issue has not even been addressed yet, and it only would delay everyone’s progress further. PIF Accounts Resolution will be our Next Priority. And a Newsletter-Update will be dedicated to that alone.

»» Priority # 2 – the PIF Accounts of HRS-I

For Overall Order and Progress, we have select to First Clear Out all the Support Tickets, relating to the Wrong Zero Balances, before we move onto the PIF Accounts.

Please – don’t misunderstand this – we are not considering the PIF Matters as UN-important. We know – it is our next priority – and next week we will tackle it with full force.

And all the exact Parameters and Instructions will be given on how to get that Resolved.

So – we might as well repeat it once again

*** please do not send Support Tickets for PIF Accounts, as this Issue has not even been addressed yet, and it only would delay everyone’s progress further. PIF Accounts Resolution will be our Next Priority. And a Newsletter-Update will be dedicated to that alone.

Ayone slandering HRS or its members will find their accounts blocked.

We know that there are a Few Ex-HRS Members who have gone down the “Dark Hole”. They seem to be entertained by Bad Mouthing and Slandering HRS and/or some of the Key Leaders and Contributors of HRS. Some have stooped as low as even trying to threaten Analie, or Moni or Dr. Lieven. That is not tolarated at all. Automatically, these Members will find their HRS accounts blocked. They are directly in violating of the HRS Terms and Agreements.

We are fully aware of some of these Scam Screamers and of their Sites and their Facebook Pages. We will undertake Legal Action against them for every bit of Slandering Violation.

*** Please also understand that if you – as a current HRS Member are found to be part of such negative and Destructive Endeavours… that we will also block your HRS Account.

HRS-II will not pay a penny to a People who Bash and try to Trash HRS or its Members!

If you were “sucked” into their Negative Vortex… (cause they adore any other Complainer)… Do yourself a favour and take distance from them. They are not interested in your benefit. They will not - as some attempt to promise – get you your money. Instead, they would only aid you to find your HRS-II account shut down and blocked.

Give it another month, and all of these loud shouters will have to put “a shoe in their mouth”… because they will be ashamed for what they are doing now… when you and Everyone else deserves to Benefit from HRS-II and its great future ahead.

Enough said on this Subject.
We will clean house – out of respect for all other members.

Great new Calculator and Video of Atticus:
Some of you may already know – but someone of you probably don’t – we have a Mathematical Genius in our Midst, and who knows how to Program as well. This is our great friend, and HRS-II Member, Atticus (Atticus Killough) who has been a programmer for 15 yrs.

It’s Thanks to Atticus that we all could enjoy these amazing calculations in HRS-I. Well, now… Atticus has done it again. He’s put out a special HRS-II Calculator. And in addition, he is great at making Videos, to Explain how to use and how to understand the Calculator.

Mr “Atticus” has the New HRS-II Calculator Ready
To unlock the full potential of the calculator,
make sure have an active subscription ($2.99 per month):
This way, the Banners and all the links, are automatically linked to your
own HRS-II Account. That is Great to Build your Business. Show and Tell.

Atticus Killough is one of the Greatly Respected Friends of HRS and is an amazing genius with numbers (he may be a re-incarnation of Einstein himself :)

He is currently re-working the HRS-II Calculator to include the 300%~500% Max Withdrawal (which that will also be one of the next Subjects in an Upcoming News-Update)

The HRS-II Calculator may “appear a bit overwhelming at first glance” – because Atticus really wanted this Calculator to be complete – it almost like a Scientific Calculator. But, once you will take the time to view the video, it will all make sense – and Atticus guides you to make it all look easy. Naturally, there is a huge amount of Programming done behind the scenes for this.

And do consider, upgrading from a Free Version to a very inexpensive full version as this will Unlock a Marketing Marvel that will greatly help you in your Referring.

Thank You Atticus.

Valuable resource to use - Your HRS-I and HRS-II Banner Credits

David the Video Guy

We also want to honour our HRS-II fellow Member David Will for some of the great Videos that he has made to help all HRS Members.

Did you know… that you get to keep all of your banner credits from HRS-I???

That’s Right – so for those who want to claim “I lost everything”… well, here is one more reason why that is not correct. Actually, you are inheriting a very valuable asset or estate from your former HRS-I account: “You get to keep all of your banner credits from HRS-I!”

Some of you believe that HRS is just about making money or making profit… but the core product or service of HRS is banner impressions. And – like with all things, there is a wise way of using and fully valorising this product. After all – you paid for it. You might as well use it.

This Video that David just recently uploaded shows you how you can use and benefit from these banner impressions:

Also there – show David your Appreciation, and give him a like on YouTube and write him a short thank you note in the Comments. Hey… you know, if you had made that Video, that you too, would appreciate a word of kind appreciation.

Oh… and you will love David’s Voice. It's very easy on the ear

Thank you David!

Let's all find a way to contribute to HRS-II to make it even stronger

See folks… the Strength of a Program is in it’s Members. When you see what Members like Atticus (the Calculator man) and David (the Video man) are willing to voluntary do to Contribute to HRS-II, then we hope you also get inspired to do your part.

Did you know that there is a Direct Relationship between The Amount or The Intensity of contribution (or of being of service) to a Particular Project and how much that you will Benefit (and that includes also earn or profit) from that Project?

last but not least – today is withdrawals day – Thursday !!!

Did you know that last week, all withdrawals from last were paid less than 48 hours after Submission.

Yes, Analie paid
STP: $ 350.000.00+ All Paid by Friday
EgoPay: $ 120,000.00+ All Paid by Friday
PM: $ 150,000.00+ All Paid by Friday
Analie loves to make Pay Outs – because that is her pride and joy, to send this Pay Outs as little rays of lights into families around the globe. So, don’t miss today – Thursday, as this permits you 24 hours to submit your New Withdrawal.

Time to Leave You
and Love You

Until our Next News-Update

The Entire HRS-II Team

So people, a very long update. Hope HRS 2 is here to stay ;)
The info abut us keeping the banner credits from HRS 1 seems to be the a similar situation we have in Profit Clicking and Ad Click Xpress where the money transferred is only usable to purchase views in the traffic exchange...
good luck!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Earnings in HRS 2

Hello Frineds.

Here is the HourlyRevShare update about the earnings percentage i the new HRS-2:
Hi Everyone,

As promised, today we are going to discuss “The Earnings Percentages”

In HourlyRevShare, we have 3 Vital Benefits for you, which are:
  1. Powerful Advertising Value (which I will discuss in a next Tutorial)
  2. Sharing in a Profit Pool (based on Advertising and Forex Trading)  today
  3. Significant Referral Commissions (for sharing 1 and 2 with others
Today, we will concentrate on the 2nd benefit: Sharing in the Profit Pool,and in the days ahead we will address – in detail - also the 1st and the 3rd benefits.

1. The 3 Different Levels:  Basic  /  Premium / VIP  -  Minimum Purchase Levels

Each Level has its own Entry Requirement – which most of you are already familiar with:
  • Basic        - requires a minimum purchase of $ - 10
  • Premium  - requires a minimum purchase of  $ - 300
  • VIP           - requires a minimum purchase of $ - 1,000
We will most likely Raise these minimums as we move ahead  - but for right now we want you, who are mostly the former HRS-1 Membership, to be able to have an “HRS-II Founders Advantage” allowing you to still purchase at these Lower Entry Levels (for a Limited Time only).
The next estimated RAISE in minimums will be:
  • Basic        - will require a minimum purchase of $ - 100
  • Premium  – will require a minimum purchase of $ - 1,000
  • VIP           - will require a minimum purchase of $ 5,000
Use this Limited Time of this “HRS-II Founders Advantage” well, and let your friends know – those are ready - to join us now!
We know that HRS-II will come to “Shine out” as a Brilliant Star in the Market Place. Once we have proven that we’ve successfully made the Transition from HRS-I to HRS-II, once everyone experiences prompt payouts and prompt & Courteous Support, then HRS-II will have become an Irresistable Proposition (or as some say, a No-Brainer).

Right now, we fully understand that it takes the Courage of a Group of people who are Pioneers, Entrepreneurs with Wit and Wisdom – who can “smell a good thing” ahead of when the masses will find out.
When we have all the HRS-II pieces in place and we’ve got it all rolling like it should… we will then let some of the best professionals in the world make a Viral Marketing System for HRS-II, with Videos, Flash Movies, with Doorway Pages, Autoresponders, and Invitations to Intro-Webinars, etc. which will catapult us from 60,000 Members to well over 600,000 Members.  But it’s not the right time yet for that. First we want to Prove to you what we are made of and what we are capable off.

1. The 3 Different Levels:  Basic  /  Premium / VIP - the Minimum Purchase Levels

Based on the new percentages, the new hourly commission percentages should be as follows:
This is another Modification that has been implemented  in order to strengthen the Vitality and the Longevity of HRS-II  (this is on the PREMIUM = 4.25% and VIP = 4.50% ).

• Basic: 
  • pays      0.167 % hourly for 24 hours
  • that is   4.00 % daily for 30 Business Days (Mon-Fri)
  • that is   120 % return upon completion (42 Calendar Days)

• Premium:
  • pays      0.177 % hourly for 24 hours
  • that is   4.250 % daily for 30 Business Days (Mon-Fri)
  • that is   127.5 % return upon completion (42 Calendar Days)

• VIP:
  • pays      0.1875 % hourly for 24 hours
  • that is   4.5 % daily for 30 Business Days (Mon-Fri)
  • that is   135 % return upon completion (42 Calendar Days)

2. These Percentages are Dynamic – not Static

                                  HRS-I                      HRS-II                  

                                  -------                        -------

Basic Plan             4.5 %  Static          4.00 % Dynamic  
Premium Plan       5.5 %  Static          4.25 % Dynamic  
VIP Plan                6.5 %  Static          4.50 % Dynamic

What does that mean for you?

We all know that in any businesses, there are Days with Very High Profits and then, there are Days with more Moderate Profits. At times, there are some days with No Profits at all, or even some Losses.

Therefore a “flexible” (or “dynamic”) return, based on actual real trading/sales profits of the day, is a more realistic approach to defining and paying out Rebates.

Forex is very volatile; it's never possible to predict exactly what will happen. Naturally there are days or certain trades, when I trade at a loss. That is part of the territory.

Yet up till now, with our “fixed” or “static” rebates model, I continued to pay and that is one of several reasons why HRS-1 became weakened. In HRS-II, we will dynamically “slide” the % up or down, depending on how well we do in the market (both Advertising Profits and Trading).

On weekends there is no trading, so no profits are generated. Again in HRS-1, I continued to pay. This now has stopped (luckily – and thank you for letting me make this big shift), because it would have been unrealistic and irresponsible of me if I would have kept doing this. (Plus I also need time to rest and spend time with my kids and my family).

4. HRS-II is much more “intelligent” and “real”.

With HRS-II we are now paying Rebates in accordance with trading results and the levels of sales of advertising. And I am happy to say – we are off to a good start.

- A really good day of trading or heavy sales volume will allow me to rebate “slightly more” that day than the aimed Profit %.

- On a poor trading day or if loss was incurred you may see little or no rebates delivered that day.

- This dynamic adaptation may also be adjusted from time to time with Extra Bonuses

5. Profit Generated Monday through Friday

Trading is suspended on weekend days, meaning that no profits are generated from Forex over that time and no rebates will be posted to accounts. This is therefore the perfect time to allow HRS management and staff to also be able to take a break.

What does that mean?

Instead of the 7 Days per Week  (in HRS-1)  we now have 5 Days per  Week (in HRS-2). Business Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

So, in order to Complete a Full Cycle of 30 Business Days, (30 / 5 days per week) it takes 6 weeks to complete (6 weeks of 7 days) or 42 days  to complete.

6. As in HRS-1, HRS-II also operates with a “Purchase Payback %”

A Purchase Payback Percentage means that a Portion of your Purchase Cost is paid back over the time of the Cycle (30 Business Days).

Since we are talking about 30 “active” Business Days – that means that your original purchase money is paid back in portions of 1/30th per business day  (over the cycle of 30 business days) that means that 3.33333% of the PayOut per day is Purchase Cost Payback.

  • You Purchased $1,000 worth of AdPacks
  • That $1,000 is your “Original Purchase Cost”
  • Everyday 1/30th  (of the $1,000) will be Paid back as Purchase Cost PayBack
  • therefore  $33.33 of your Daily Profit would be the Daily Cost PayBack
  • and $33.33 paid every day – for 30 days – would result into $1,000

7. What does that compare to in Net Daily Profit?
  • 4.00% Basic Plan         = actually   4.00 - 3.333 =  0.667 % Net Daily Profit
  • 4.25% Premium Plan   = actually   4.25 - 3.333 =  0.917 %  Net Daily Profit
  • 4.50% VIP  Plan           = actually   4.50 - 3.333 =  1.167 %  Net Daily Profit

These are very “Realistic” and “Achievable” Percentages of Return. Therefore they will contribute (as one of the many factors) to the longevity of HRS-II

On some days we will perform much better than that – and we may pay more. On some days we will perform less than that – and we may pay less but on average, we should be able to realize this for a long long time to come.

As in HRS-1, you can use your Earnings, and your Commissions to Re-Purchase more AdPacks every day. Each new AdPack Purchase starts its own 30 (business) day Cycle.

8. Last but not least: The first Payouts

The first payouts of our new HRS-II System “have been paid already”

It is just fantastic to see and experience the Enthusiasm and Gratitude that comes with People Getting Paid.
9. Withdrawals till Midnight, Thursday June 20th – London Server Time

There is still time till Midnight Tonight to do a Withdrawal. So if you would like to “Test the Waters” and feel what it feels like to get paid,  then go ahead. Just log in and submit your Withdrawal request.
Over the next few days, Analie will pick the day of the week which will then be the Permanent withdrawal day.
Right now, and for the next few weeks, the following weekly withdrawal limits are in place:

- One withdrawal request per member

- Choose from Rebates or Commissions

- Request up to $500 per week

The usual 70/30 rule applies; 30% of the requested amount will be placed into your Repurchase Balance and the remaining 70% will be processed for sending to your payment processor.
As HRS-II is completely falling into place then we will see about increasing the limits.

Tomorrow, and in the next Updates, we will talk about:

“The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings”, “The Instructions for PIF Accounts”, and some other subjects.

So, see you tomorrow, for the next update   :)

Analie Steinway

Oh, by the way....
Many Members have asked if there is another Website or Website Address for HRS-II...  the Site is the Same, the Login is the Same... and for right now, the looks is the Same - we are "saving up budget" to then do an HRS-II new look makeover... but first we want to make sure that our Members are paid promptly. And our HRS-I site is a great looking site to work in, anyways.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New update for 06.20.2013

Hello friends!

This is the new update for today. I don't have time today to edit the update so I'll just copy/paste is into this post with all the annoying capital letters in it... sorry about that:
Hi Everyone,

Wow… What a Ride….

Today we were going to discuss - “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”
- but instead I want to address some more Urgent Issues,  then
tomorrow we can do - “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”

I want to keep this NEWS-UPDATE short and simple.


Well… we have a whole load of Members (those who never got paid in HRS-I) who are now DELIGHTED to find that they have START-UP FUNDS in HRS-II (equivalent to their Original Purchases).

We do know that there are some errors in the Transfer – some of you have a ZERO Balance, when in fact you DID bring in Original Funding and you did not receive any PAY-OUTS. For these cases, we have a Special Section in our HelpDesk for you to submit to:

Please go to and submit your ticket to category “SEED ADPACKS MISSING”. Be sure to include your correct HRS username, the transaction ID and date of your transaction and specify whether it was funding of your wallet or a purchase of adpacks.

PLEASE be careful to select the right category. If you submit it to another category, it will take longer for your issue to be dealt with.

IMPORTANT: Please use a Gmail address on your ticket, this will ensure that you receive our response and we will also be able to update your profile at the same time. Two birds with one stone.

NOW... because this is worth repeating and for simplicity's sake, because not everyone takes the time to read and understand the updates, here are the nuts-and-bolts:

GROUP 1 – who received more in Payouts than their Original Purchase (those in profit)
GROUP 2 – who received NO Payouts (who otherwise would have lost money)
GROUP 3 – who only received some Payouts, but less than their Original Spend

Now in your Back-Office you should find:

GROUP 1 – will find a ZERO BALANCE

                     Example: Bill purchased with $1,000
                     Bill already got paid 10 times @ $300 each, for a total of $3,000
                     so he will find $0.00 (zero) active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

 GROUP 2 – will find 100% of their Original Funding Deposit

                     Example: John purchased with $1,000
                     John never received any Payouts
                     so he will find $1,000 in active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

 GROUP 3 – will find their Original Funding Deposit – (minus) their Payouts

                      Example: Mary purchased with $1,000
                      Mary received 3 Payouts of $100 each, for a total of $300
                      so she will find $700 in active Ad Packs in her New HRS-II Account

Anyone whose account is not in keeping with one of these 3 categories has a problem that requires a ticket. Mostly, this will be missing ad packs. If that applies to your account, please follow the instructions about to submit your claim to HelpDesk. You should allow a few days for us to process your ticket. Please note that you won't hear from us until we have resolved your issue, unless we require more information from you.

If you make any changes, your ticket goes back to the end of the line and it will take longer for us to process your correction.

2. HRS-II is Welcomed and obviously TRUSTED

I want to thank all the Members and New Members who have already Purchased New Ad Packs with FRESH FUNDING. I really appreciate seeing such an abundance of Trust and Commitment.

ALL DAY, New Fresh Money has been POURING in – from everywhere around the globe. That is great, cause these are the FUNDS we will start to TRADE with and it’s in part THESE FUNDS that will allow us to PAY YOU great Profits.

YOUR Purchases are a tremendous MOTIVATION for me and a CONFIRMATION that we have a PLAN with HRS-II that will be FULLY EMBRACED by the MARKET PLACE. And that is important.

Wait till people start receiving their FIRST withdrawals – we will all CELEBRATE together.

Which brings me to the next point....

3. TOMORROW… anyone who wishes can already WITHDRAW

That’s Right!

As a SPECIAL EFFORT to show how much we care…. if any of the People who have not ever been Paid Yet by HourlyRevShare would like to withdraw already some of the Early Earnings… then, by all means,… BE MY GUEST – tomorrow – THURSDAY (all day till Midnight)  YOU CAN WITHDRAW.

We do limit withdrawals to $500 and I can’t wait TO GET THEM PAID. So Expect FAST PAY-OUTS!!!

Point of Note:  Bankwire withdrawals remain at $1500, same as always.

Then, in the next couple days, we will decide on the DAY of the WEEK that will become our REGULAR WEEKLY WITHDRAWAL DAY. No need to ask which day – we will announce it. And we will keep the SAME DAY, every week… so it will be EASY TO REMEMBER.


Yes, you have. We simply COULD NOT transfer the Earned Commissions. We know that some were based on Fresh Cash Funds, however, a large majority of the Commissions were on the basis of over-inflated RE-PURCHASING. Plus, we simply do not have the AVAILABLE RESERVES, to CARRY OVER these COMMISSIONS.

I do understand that this is a SET BACK and a TOUGH SACRIFICE for those Members who have put a lot of effort into Building Teams and bringing in people with Significant Funds.

However, you must understand, that our FIRST PRIORITY is to make sure that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE are able to CONTINUE into HRS-II. So each of the people who you referred, will find their HRS-II Account loaded with Active Adpacks,  as per above agreement.

And that means that YOUR PEOPLE WILL NOT LOOSE anything.

AND YOU INHERIT THE ENTIRE GENEALOGY… (imagine had HRS shut its doors, you would have lost them all). Every PURCHASE with FRESH FUNDS that they make, YOU WILL earn NEW COMMISSIONS. And Yes, those COMMISSIONS – you CAN let them Earn Profit as well – or you can Withdraw them. That is your choice.

Now, also keep in mind that with our NEW SYSTEM of 300-500% Limit on Earnings, EACH HRS-II Member who wants to CONTINUE to generate PROFIT will RE-PURCHASE  - with Fresh External Funds – NEW ADPACKS. And that means that YOU WILL EARN new Commissions, over and over again, which truly will result into a Massive Stream of Residual Profit for you.

So, YES, we LOSE some of our Efforts – of work done in the past few months – but we trade it for MUCH MUCH BETTER PROFIT and MORE PROFIT in the weeks and months ahead.


You already know that we will NOT DO PIF in HRS-II. We had too many problems and too much abuse of PIF in HRS-I… so we have “learned our lesson”,  no sense in repeating our mistake again.

We WILL, however, ACCOMMODATE those Members who PAID CASH FUNDS or WIRED MONEY to their Sponsor, so that their Account will also be FUNDED into HRS-II.

There will be strict controls around this, and it will be done MANUALLY. Accounts and claims will be examined carefully on a Case by Case basis, since we know that there was a lot of Fake Accounts that were Super Charged with PIF Funds.

Tomorrow we will tell you precisely what YOU (as the Sponsor) and YOU (as the PIF RECIPIENT) will need to do, in order to APPLY for a PIF-FUNDING CONSIDERATION.

6. We still have a lot to cover…

I want to THANK the MODERATORS in the Facebook Group

* in tomorrow's Update, we WILL talk about accounts that were started with PIF Funds.

Also, we will talk about “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”

Then, we will also talk about:
- “The First Withdrawals
- “The First Payouts
- “The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings”
- “The New Flexible Percentages (instead of Static)”
and several other subjects.

On that note, until tomorrow's update......

With love
Analie Steinway
So, as I was expecting I'm in the Group 1. I did not remember how much I put into HourlyRevShare but if I remember right it was $80. I got paid $102 so I'm in profit and I think it is fine to start from $0 again. If I'm going to put back money into HRS... I'll have to think about it but as this was a fair move I think I will. Still have to contact my downline to let them know about this and check if they have got their money credited ;)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Transition to HRS-2


I noticed the HourlyRevShare website is back online so I logged in. The first thing I noticed is that all my ad packages have gone :( Also my last withdrawal request has been cancelled.
I used to have over $600 in active ad packs before the site stopped paying.

Let's switch over to the latest update; this is quite long as usual:
Hi Everyone,

As you have probably already seen on the website, have read on Facebook or in the Skype Rooms:

Dear HRS Members,

 As you know, we are in the Final Stages of the New and Fresh transformation towards HRS-II.  The Programmers are making very good progress and soon will be putting the final touches.

 At this stage, we expect to live in approximately 48-72 hours (latest by Friday)

 We greatly appreciate your patience and all details will be revealed and explained in clarity.
Thank you for your Patience and thank you for your Trust

 With Love

Analie Steinway

 So… what I have decided to do is write 1 Newsletter Update – Every day, for at least the next 5 days, so that we can go step by step through each of the different qualities of HRS-II without overloading too much in 1 Message.

For today… I want to talk about “The balances that will be transferred into HRS-II”
Tomorrow, we will talk about “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”
Then we will also talk about “The First Withdrawals”, “The First Payouts”, “The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings”, “The New Flexible Percentages (instead of Static)”, “The PIF Accounts” and several other subjects.

I would suggest to stay calm, try not to speculate too much… as each aspect will be explained and of course will become crystal clear, once it is set in motion.

Today… “The balances that will be transferred into HRS-II”

But before we go there, let me give again a quick overview on how we unfortunately arrived, with HRS-I, at a point that was not sustainable and would have driven HRS completely into its downfall:

1 - We have grown much faster than I ever anticipated, so yes, I got overloaded beyond control – and even our servers got overloaded – but we got that resolved through better and faster servers, and considerable re-programming.

2 - In the beginning we struggled severely with Server Attacks – but with time and expertise, we’ve got that resolved as well – no other attacks since.

3 – Then, one day I found that our .com Domain had been “kidnapped” (through a registrar who had no principles) and we got resolved through switching to the .net domain

4 – Then a very painful one was that someone hacked into my Liberty Reserve account and stole $870,000.00 USD – and even more painful was that LR didn’t even bother to investigate it. This meant a great loss of Reserve Funds. But, I injected over $500,000 of my own money to resolve that issue.

5 – Then, Profitable Sunrise collapsed… Profit Clicking was not paying out,… BannersBroker was no longer Paying Out… and people started become very scared and nervous and started to withdraw in mass. I realized that we needed to do something to preserve the reserve funds – too many withdrawals too fast – and not enough time to trade with these funds. And that is when I realized it was necessary to start to reduce the Amount of Withdrawals to once a week (cause some members were doing withdrawals every hour!!! – can you imagine)

6 – Then things kept getting busier and busier  (with the Payouts and the Support and the Trading) …  and had almost gotten to a level where I barely had time left for my family and myself. I became exhausted. And that is when it becomes even more difficult to see clear and make clear decisions. But, I continued to do my very best that I could – despite the haunting stress. On several occasions I had wanted to fly out to Ireland to meet up with Dr. Lieven, but the schedule simply didn’t allow.

7 – We finally planned a week that worked for all of us, so that we could meet in Ireland with Moni  (who flew all the way from New Zealand to Ireland) and we were going to brainstorm the necessary Re-Structuring of HRS. But then – sadly enough, my son, Klaus, had the terrible fall in the park, which put him in the hospital and in coma for 2 days. Probably my most frightening days of HRS and quite possibly of my life. Fortunately, with proper medical attention, Klaus did wake up and has been recovering well since. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and your very kind and supportive messages. This was an extremely difficult time for me – as a mother - and it shook me to my foundations as a business woman.

8 – Next, we got hit with the shut down of Liberty Reserve. They were found to have Scammed over $6 Billion Dollars. I was still using LR for some of my Forex Trading… so all of that got wiped out. Another tear in the Reserves. Almost all other Programs had to cut back or quit paying all together. Even some just disappeared into thin air (like Brisco Funds) – and that is when I had to really cut back on Payouts. But nevertheless, I tried to make sure that we still have a daily dose of Payouts going out to Members.

9 -  By that time… now in looking back… I realized that we had really missed the ball with Earning Percentages that were way too high, to be sustainable.  And I know that some of you wonder why I didn’t see or realize that sooner… but in hindsight everything becomes clear and we all become experts, right? So… I could see that HRS, while I was trying very hard to keep things going, as best as I could, was sinking in the sand.

And that is when I realized we either had to bury this project – in which case, I would have been happy to refund anyone who had lost money, or knuckle down and fix this.  I am a fighter… giving up is not in my nature… so, instead of giving up, we “put our heads together” and came up with several brilliant ideas and soon we were looking at the HRS-II Plans. The biggest barrier, however, was that we were going to have to do a very radical transition, and we were going to have to do it fast. I realized very well that this radical transition would upset many of you – might even scare some of you – or might even leave some of you with a feeling of being scammed or mislead. But, when it’s time to do a life saving operation… we sometimes need to put all criticism, fears and hesitations aside and simply do what is necessary. And voilà… this brings us to the most recent Newsletter.

Now, having worked with the Programmers and having had time to really think about the HRS-II Plan, we truly have a very sturdy structure that is much more robust and flexible than before. So we will be able to ride the storms much better… we will be able to grow much more with much more stability… and we will have a structure that will be able to adapt much faster.

Remember… there is no handbook or MBA Course in any University that tells us what to do here. This is uncharted terrain… and we all know that most similar programs have failed and flopped at it… so we shouldn’t do any copying of them either. It’s all about being Creative and Smart and, at the same time, keeping our Compass and Direction in line with our Vision.

One Last Thing before we move to today’s subject:

Pending Withdrawals

I know that most of you would like to see all the pending withdrawals paid – as you feel that that is a way of confirming that I keep my word. And truly, I wish for nothing more than to show you just that – because I am not a cheater and I am not a scammer. I am running an honest business the best way I can. However, I am not the Federal Reserve and I cannot just print a bunch of new money. I do hope that my above explanation helps to bring some clarity to how reserved funds got deplepted. So, I cannot magically make money appear out of thin air. I can only pay from the available reserves. And as you can see for all the past weeks, during this interrupt or pause… I have continued to do the very best I could – especially with the smaller accounts, as many of these members are very dependent on that money. I believe that any observer can see that I keep doing the best that I can.

However, in order to rebuild Fresh Reserves, we must move on with HRS-II and I have been delighted to hear overwhelming support and a confirmation from you, the Membership (via your Facebook Responses), that you are ready HRS-II.

Once HRS-II is in Full Motion and once I have been able to enjoy doing some of the Prompt Payouts again – most of you know that I enjoy nothing more than to do payouts – knowing it’s like sending little rays of light to each of the families…. Then I promise that I will take another look at the pending withdrawals. However, please also keep in mind, that there are Members who did not withdraw yet were very loyal in referring other New HRS Members…. They too deserve to get into profit.  That is why,… above all it is essential that we get started with HRS-II.

So… Now for Today:

“The balances that will be transferred into HRS-II”

This is an easy and simple one for today… tomorrow we will dig into all the other ones…

From an overwhelming result – as expressed in the FB Polls – almost everyone is in full agreement that we need to make sure the Members who have not been paid yet get priority attention and support. These are the Members who did not get into profit, either because their  Withdrawals are still pending  – or – because they have not requested a withdrawal  yet.  I believe that any Member who has already earned significant Profit could hardly or fairly argue with that.

So… it’s very simple:

There are 3 groups:
Group 1 – who received more in Payouts than their Original Purchase (those in profit)
Group 2 – who received no Payouts (who otherwise would have lost money)
Group 3 – who only received some Payouts, but less than their Original Spend

When HRS-II opens up its doors:

Group 1 – will find a zero balance
 Example:    Bill purchased with $1,000
                      Bill already got paid 10 times @ $300 each, for a total of $3,000
                      so he will find $0.00 (zero) active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

Group 2 – will find 100% of their Original Funding Deposit
Example:     John purchased with $1,000
                      John never received any Payouts
                      so he will find $1,000 in active Ad Packs in his New HRS-II Account

Group 3 – will find their Original Funding Deposit – (minus) their Payouts
Example:     Mary purchased with $1,000
                      Mary received 3 Payouts of $100 each, for a total of $300
                      so she will find $700 in active Ad Packs in her New HRS-II Account

These are words that I have seen dozens of times in Facebook,
when the above was explained:  “That is very fair for everyone”

* in a coming Update, we WILL talk about accounts that were started with PIF Funds.

Tomorrow, we will talk about “The Earnings Percentages, etc.”

Then, we will also talk about
-  “The First Withdrawals
-  “The First Payouts
-  “The 300-500% Limits on the Earnings
-  “The New Flexible Percentages (instead of Static)”
-  “The PIF Accounts”
and several other subjects.

Again - I would suggest to stay calm, try not to speculate too much… as each aspect will be explained and of course will become crystal clear, once it is set in motion.

Thanks for your time to read this Update
and we’ll continue tomorrow.

Till then…

With Love
Analie Steinway
So quite a long update... hope the one from tomorrow is not that long!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

HourlyRevShare is offline

Hi there friends!

Yesterday I surprisingly got an HourlyRevShare payment. Yes, right... a payment I requested I don't remember when as I had two pending withdrawals. Nice to see that even though the site is now offline they are still processing payouts they owe to members. This is what you see when you try to access the website:
I hope they are back soon and I'm really looking forward to what they have done to make the program more stable for the long run :)
See the payment proof.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

HourlyRevShare Stopped paying commissions

Hi there!

For the last few days HourlyRevShare has stopped paying commissions. It really doesn't matter as they have disabled withdrawals... We have had no new info about the transitions to HRS-2 since the last update: HRS-2 revealed.

I hope that everything goes well and that they keep us informed about what is going on.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

HourlyRevShare huge update :O

Hi there friends!

I just logged into my HourlyRevShare account to withdraw some funds, as today it is withdrawal day, to find out that there are no more withdrawals and to find this huge update; scroll down if you just want to know the important stuff ;) :
Dear HRS Family,

These past few days have been very intense, with ongoing detailed discussions and profound reviewing of all aspects and consequences of our HRS business systems and I want to thank you all for your extended patience while we work through these essential steps. It is a massive task and I don't want to make the wrong decisions, so am taking the necessary time to think very thoroughly about every detailed and contributing component.

I have not been alone in this

Dr. Lieven, Connie and Moni have supported me immensely and tirelessly in these demanding deliberations, and together we have made massive and solid headway into what will be the new framework of HRS-II. We have some way to go yet, as there has been a huge input of very helpful suggestions from several brilliant, caring and experienced members that is also being taken into consideration.

Dr. Lieven's Polls and several of the Threads on his FB group have been extremely helpful in showing me more of what “you” - the members think, expect and really want.

I am aware that this is only a small sample of the membership as a whole,... however, it is for sure a core segment that is willing to “Actively Participate and Pro-Actively Contribute”... thus, these Members give me some significant insight. And I really appreciate all of your input and efforts. If you would like to also share your voice or vote, then go ahead and join Dr. Lieven’s Facebook Group (* however, keep in mind that Dr. Lieven does not tolerate any Complaining, or any Insulting Posts - and he - and his team of Moderators - rightfully will remove any person who does not respect HRS - that is very fair and wise on his part - too many programs have been smudged and damaged by some of these overly critical people)

Actually these on-going, almost “live bio-feedback loops” will become a very crucial and intricate part of our survival, thriving and successful longevity.

While it's not possible to implement everyone's suggestions, there has been much useful food for thought, and it has given me some new brilliant understanding. Because of that, we will for sure continue to use these Social Networks as a “finger on the pulse” and as an “umbilical connection” with our membership. That sort of “intra-communication” has shown to be very helpful, and will continue to allow us to be better informed on both sides.

Some changes are not easy

The significant and detailed changes we have settled on, up to this point (and yes, there will be more ongoing refinements in coming days and weeks) have not been decided on lightly.

For me, whereas it has been impossible to keep my human emotions out of these decisions (because I know all too well that they affect many lives of families around the globe - and especially in these challenging economic and changing times) at the same time, staying focused on what makes practical and achievable sense for the overall business' longevity and dynamic stability. I realise that things cannot stay the way they are, this is plainly obvious, and more than anything, I need to put new and more refined formulas in place that will allow us to continue to pay everyone promptly, yet within the levels of actual profit which we have been able to generate at any given moment.

How did we get here?

It’s a little bit, like if we get “exhausted” or if we get a “bit overweight”, or if we get into a “depression”... we don’t always notice this developing or creeping in along the way or have full awareness of its gradual development. Yet at some point, it becomes Painfully Obvious. And that is the time we need to look back, and evaluate how we got here.

And there are many, many factors involved... too many to explain them all in detail. Dr Lieven has kindly offered to write this section for me.

Some overestimation

Besides some of the Big External Blows and Challenges (which you have read about in the Newsletters and heard about in the Webinars), one of Analie's most beautiful Character Traits has also added to the "Weakening" of HRS. And this sounds like a contradiction or paradox, but in reality is precisely this “combination of forces of duality”.

That is - Analie’s huge trust in people and her nearly unstoppable wish to help people. This has lead to 2 Over-Estimations:

- that some members come to purely "demand" to get paid, in the laziest of ways, while complaining and bad mouthing the company and the people behind it

- that some members have taken "wind advantage" of some of the Facilities, like the PIF feature, which has resulted into too much Demand on HRS

Some underestimation

There are also internal good intentions that have lead to some of the Weakening of HRS-I

The underestimation which severely weakened HRS has been with the nearly unlimited "Power of Compounding".

As all of you have been able to observe inside your HRS Account - and with the Compounding Calculator, Compounding is immensely powerful. No wonder Einstein called it the 8th World Wonder (and he added: "He who understands it, earns it - and He who doesn't, pays it)

We all know that the accounts have grown way too big and way too fast (primarily due to theoretical over-compounding / no longer matched with actual and achievable profit generation). That is why we first attempted a reduction or limitation of the Withdrawals - ‘cause no company,... not even with Multi-Billionaire reserves, could have continued to pay out these Inflated Earnings .

So, what was underestimated, is that this same "Immense Force of Compounding" works as much in reverse (destructive power) as in the forward (constructive power).

Let me Explain:

A Compounding Calculator is an accurate but only a theoretical calculation.

If one could Invest in Forex (or in whatever place of investment) with only financial growth, and with a constant growth factor, then the Compounding Calculator would be 100% the way it would show.

But, we all know, that that is not the case, and that that is not forex... or for that matter any form of investment. Even Real Estate goes through constant ups and downs and so do the Prices of Gold and Silver, and so do the different currencies.

The power of Compounding in Reverse

So... every minute, or every hour, or every day - that a loss (or even a reduction of profit) is incurred - that automatically and practically leads to the Power of Compounding working in Reverse.

And that is what leads to an Account becoming theoretically big, while the real capacity to match the Payout has actually lowered.

Therefore, HRS-II will much more Carefully take this Dynamic Fluctuation into account, and make sure that we have a constant adaptability towards this external reality.

Thanks to Dr Lieven for this explanation.

There simply was not enough Profit

Generation of those profits has been very challenging in recent times. Aside from my own personal issues, which should have no bearing on the business, but have nonetheless, I have sustained losses due to a number of factors that I will not go into here, save to say that these losses impacted my ability to generate the necessary profits to be able to satisfy all withdrawal requests in a timely manner.

I really regret this, but some of it has been way beyond anything that I could control. I have learned that the original business model which I have used up until now was not as strong and especially not as dynamic as it is needed to be in this ever changing and volatile marketplace. Even the shutdown of Liberty Reserve has had an immense and devastating impact on many programs.

Therefore now, I have no choice but to rectify what has gone wrong, and make essential adaptations so that we can deliver the stable and resilient platform that all members deserve.

And yes... I'm fully 100% absolutely committed to just that.

Serious changes to achieve the essential

I know that most of you wish me well, and that you want HRS to continue, and are willing to accept that there must be some serious changes in order for us to continue to operate. Feedback that I have received through Skype, email and also from the FB groups has shown this quite clearly, so I feel heartened by that.

So, while not everyone will understand or appreciate some of the changes we will be making, they are necessary, crucial even, for HRS to stand and deliver going forward.

The bottom line is that I want to be able to pay everyone who requests a withdrawal within an acceptable timeframe, for a long time going forward. My dream has been, and many of you know this, to make HRS strong and stable, to be able to last for the next 5 – 10 years. I still want that for us all. But in order to achieve it, things must change. With that in mind, here are the initial overreaching changes that I see as being essential not only to our continued survival but also our capacity to thrive and regain a successful growth.

So, let’s take a look,
what that practically means:

In the new upgraded HRS-II model

1) A new and more moderate R.O.A. Profit %

The percentages paid on Ad Packs will be moderated as follows:

------- -------
Basic Plan 4.5 % Static 4.0 % Dynamic
Premium Plan 5.5 % Static 4.5 % Dynamic
VIP Plan 6.5 % Static 5.0 % Dynamic

in the HourlyRevShare model, the original cost is paid back in portions of 1/30th per day (over 30 days) so that is 3.33333% of the PayOut per day is cost payback

4.0% Basic Plan = actually 4.0 - 3.333 = 0.667 % Net Daily Profit

4.5% Premium Plan = actually 4.5 - 3.333 = 1.167 % Net Daily Profit

5.0% VIP Plan = actually 5.0 - 3.333 = 1.667 % Net Daily Profit

2) Dynamic Profit % vs Static (fixed) Profit %

Many of you have suggested that a flexible return based on trading/sales profits would be a more realistic approach to rebates. Forex is very volatile, and it's never possible to predict exactly what will happen. Naturally there are days or certain trades, when I trade at a loss. That is part of the territory. Yet up till now, with our “fixed” or “static” rebates model, I have continued to pay. On weekends there is no trading, so no profits are generated, yet I have continued to pay. This now must stop, as it is unrealistic and irresponsible for me to keep doing this.

Under our new structure, rebates will be paid in accordance with trading results and the levels of sales of advertising.

- After a really good days trading or heavy sales volume it will allow me to rebate “slighty more” that day, than the aimed Profit %.

- On a poor trading day or if loss was incurred you may see little or no rebates delivered that day.
- This dynamic adaptation may also be adjusted from time to time with Extra Bonuses

3. Limitation of Profit Cap
(Passive 300% »»» 500% based on Sponsoring)

Immediately implement 300% Max Cash withdrawal (without Sponsoring) up to 500% Max Cash withdrawal (based on Sponsored $)

As soon that the Maximum is reached (300% »» 500%)

Everyone must spend fresh cash to get more.


ie... if $1,000 spent without Sponsoring » max $3,000
that member can then spend another $1,000 if they wish

The Increase in % (from 300% on Upwards to 500%) should be based on the  amount of Money that is introduced by Directly Sponsored people

ie... if $1,000 spent + $1,000 Sponsored » profit could go to 400%
max $4,000

(this example is based on an algorithm that says, if the member gets equivalent money from sponsoring equal to their own spend = extra 100%)

ie... if $1,000 spent + $2,000 Sponsored » profit could go to 500% max $5,000

(this example is based on an algorithm that says, if the member gets double money from sponsoring equal to their own spend = extra 200%)

This is the proposed formula for now, but there may be a simpler formula
as long as the % is capped and the Sponsoring Member should be rewarded
with a Higher % than the passive one. I will work on this in coming days and weeks.

4) Profit Generated Monday through Friday

Trading is suspended on weekend days, meaning that no profits would be generated from Forex over that time and no rebates would be posted to accounts. This is therefore the perfect time to allow HRS management and staff to also be able to take a break.

5) No Commissions on Internal Repurchases

Commissions will be paid only on purchases made with external funding, not with company-generated funding such as rebates or commission balances, including PIF.

6) New Rules relating to PIF

As of the release of the PIF feature, limits will be in place regarding who may receive PIF from their sponsor's account and criteria will apply.

a) the PIF amount is limited to $500 per person

b) you can only select 1 PIF Beneficiary per week (that is 52 people in a year)

c) a new referral must make a qualifying purchase of at least $500 to be eligible for PIF. This is a provisional amount, to which I will give more consideration in the next short while.

d) If the new PIF Recipient is not in a position to purchase the provisional minimum to qualify for PIF, the sponsor may pay for them, by way of making a cash purchase of Ad Packs which can then be assigned to the referrals account. This may take the form of a voucher system. This will still allow the sponsor to help the referral to get started while pay-processor verifications are underway.

PIF should be regarded as what it was originally intended as, a kind gesture to help another person in need, not a black market commodity for trading against cash. There will be no more abuse of the PIF system.

Now here is the Tough Part...

How do we Transition from HRS-I » HRS-II

A slow gradual Transition is not a good Option:

One of the careful considerations was to see if we could somehow slowly or gradually fade out of the Current HRS Model, into a New Upgraded HRS-II Model. In other words, we could attempt to keep HRS-original alive and keep it going as long as possible. And yes, we could continue to make payouts - however, it would take a long time to fulfil them all.

On the other hand, we really wanted and felt we needed the New Adapted HRS-II System in place, as soon as possible....

Finally, after a lot of reflection, rather than dragging out an Existing Non-Working Model... we’ve decided to make a more radical yet much more efficient solution, and that is to end the Current HRS Model and thus allow the Immediate Integration of the Refined, much more Dynamic yet Robust New Upgraded HRS-II Model.

Any radical decision to end and let go of an Existing Model naturally provokes Upset. It’s almost like going to a Funeral of someone we have come to love and appreciate. However, in doing so, we permit the Immediate birth of what we believe will be a much more better model and one that is structured for long lasting Vitality – one where the underlying dynamics are wisely structured to withstand any “weather changes or even be able to survive heavy storms”.

7) The Best Option: Account Resets

Resetting all the accounts may not be the most Pleasant Option in the Moment, but it is by far the more efficient Option for the Transition, as well as the Better Option for a quicker realization of a Solid Future.

There will be a number of fundamental platform changes that will be explained as they come on board, and meanwhile everyone must now understand it is time to “reset” the accounts to a point that is compatible with sustainable parameters that are being determined.

“Start-up Funding” for the new system will be determined by
a) the amount of original external funding that was put in place
b) plus any amount of external funding that was added along the way

This Reset will honor each member fairly by assigning active ad packs according to the extent of original and add-on participation. This means that upon reset, your account will contain active ad packs equal to the amount of funding you have added from your payment processor(s). These ad packs will begin earning at the prescribed rate as soon as the new system is activated.

I expect that this realignment of accounts will take place towards the end of this week, at the latest by Monday 17th.

A Word of Advice: Naturally, some information in the Newsletter may make sense to you, right-away. And some of it may not. And even some of it may feel like a shock, or a pleasant surprise or may feel upsetting. All of that is "OK" - and you are "OK". So it is, when we are just coming face-to-face with any Revolutionary new Idea or Concept.

The tip is - give yourself the time to "Let it Sink in". Tomorrow, Read it again... and then think about it again. Remember, this newsletter nor this Transformation was written to make a sweet first impression. The Entire HRS-II transformation has been designed with 1 objective: "To make sure we had a program that will be Dynamic and Robust Enough to lead us into the future, so we can all benefit from it, for years to come".

This objective has never been done successfully by Any Program of this nature, so far... So, yes, this design "is" radical, it is extreme and yet, at the core, it makes perfect sense. However, it may take a few days before you see that or fully understand that. Don't let yourself be fooled by some of the Early Shouters, who will claim and blame all sorts of things. That is typical with "Narrow Minded People, who encounter something Revolutionary Different". Just let them sing their song.

As with Mr. Tom Perkins, who did the Venture Capital for Google... it did not bother him that he was laughet at and that people tried to ridicule him. He knew where he was heading. Analie and her Team know where they are heading... and that is why she has had the courage to bring your HRS-II and she has the guts to make a radica fast transition towards it. After all, she could have just refunded all of you, and yet chose not to.

In the upcoming days, there will be lots of additional information to help you further fully understand HRS-II and its Benefits. There will be Webinars, and perhaps even a series of help videos. So, my advice is... rather than pounding out a thousand questions within the first hour... try to remember, it took Months to put this together... it may take you a few hours or even a few days to fully garsp its powerful benefits. We will be here, to help everyone come to a full understanding of HRS-II.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this letter, those who have helped me write it so that everyone can understand what I’m saying, in particular Dr Lieven who has a great way of explaining the complicated in a simple way. To everyone who has offered guidance and recommendations which have helped me to reach the decisions in this letter, I’m grateful and thank you very much.

I reserve the right to adjust any of the above conditions and features, should any of them prove to be either not in the best interest of the company or the members. The first two weeks under the new structure will be considered a trial period after which time I will firm up everything.

With much love and respect

Analie Steinway

So, to make it quite shorter:
  1. HRS 1 will be transformed into HRS 2 with no looking back.
  2. All the accounts will be reseted to the amount of ad packs you spend in the original HRS: This means that if you put $200 out of your pocket in your HRS account you will have that in ad packs in HRS 2, probably deducting what you have successfully withdrawed.
  3. There will not be fixed earnings but dynamically changing earnings depending on the revenue generated.
  4. Commissions will only be paid from Mo. to Fr. no earnings on weekends.
  5.  Max you can earn from your purchased ad packs is 300% passively; means that if you spend $100 you can max earn $300. then you'll need to spend more money to keep earning.
  6. PIF is limited to one beneficiary per week (52 per year) and it need to make a purchase of $500 to qualify for PIF.
I think this is god news even if I will lose the money I currently have in my account. I've also withdrawn money so I will not get all the money I put into HRS at the beginning.  Anyway I think if this is going to help the program and the members on the long run it is something that need to be done ;)
Let's see what happens ;)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New HRS withdrawal

Hi friends.

Today I requested my fourth withdrawal at HourlyRefShare: $75. After applying the 70/30 rule I will get $52.50 minus a $1.57 fee leaves it at $50.92 that I should get into my STP account hopefully soon. Here is a pic of my HRS Payment history:
As you can see I still have a pending withdrawal from April the 30th. I hope to receive those payments soon!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Two new updates...

Hi there!

I just logged into into my HourlyRevShare account to withdraw funds but I got a message telling that today there are no withdrawals. Then I saw a new announcement in the update window. Clicked on it and there were two new updates there:

You will have noticed that for the last
two weeks we have enabled withdrawals
on Wednesday instead of Tuesdays.

Analie has decided to make this a permanent

This means from this week forward, the
withdrawal window will open at midnight
Tuesday night, London time and run for the
24 hours till midnight Wednesday night, London

This is the same as midnight Tuesday to midnight
Wednesday as shown on the dashboard in your
back office.

Please ensure that your downlines are informed
and understand what it means in their timezone.

Best wishes


Happy to announce the site is now back
up and running. Here's what we did:

When we unpaused the site on the 21st,
there was some disruption to some members'
accounts, where almost 9000 plans paid way
beyond the normal returns. This was due to
massive load on the site.

We identified those accounts affected and today
we removed the extra rebates that had been paid
on these overinflated plans.

All plans are now correct. A small number of
members may now see an amended balance
in their rebates, and plans purchased with
excessive rebates removed, as a result.

Please be patient as you access the site,
everyone is trying to get in to buy and there
is currently heavy load. If you get an error
message, please try again in a little while.

Good to read the the site is now back 100%, or this is what I understand from this update. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to request my withdrawal ;)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New update for June the 2nd

Hi friends!

Just to let you know about the new HourlyRevShare update. Here it goes:
Dear HRS Family,

It has been a long time since I gave you a written update, for this I apologize and I want to offer an assurance that I will communicate more regularly from now on, like I used to. The issues that have affected my personal life have been overwhelming and have affected my ability to focus on HourlyRevShare as much as I should have.

I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding (from most of you) during these difficult last few weeks. It is due to the automated payout script that payouts were able to continue during this time, which has been good, but the fact that some members are still waiting on payouts from 16th April is something that I want to address as soon as possible, now that I am back working more like normal again.

Yes, there are delays with payouts, but I want to assure you, even if it takes some time, everyone will be paid. In the coming week, we will be working through issues and options, then next week we will issue an other update letter outlining further details of what action we are going to take.

In the meantime, I will be disabling automation starting this week so that I have control over payout order of processing. This is so that I can address oldest outstanding payout requests.

Some of you are out of patience. I understand that, and again, those who are truly unhappy and do not wish to continue with HRS can ask for a refund. Refunds will be based on profit standing and will apply to accounts in which external funds were used to purchase Adpacks in the beginning, and only on those which have not yet achieved break-even. In-Profit accounts are not eligible for a refund.

Statistic: for the 5 days from 27th – 31st May, payouts amounted to $700 000.

During this week I will be reviewing all aspects of the business and making some decisions on those areas that are either inefficient or insufficiently controlled. It is my wish to keep HRS going and continuing to pay. This will require some adjustments and these will be made with the wellbeing of the members and the program in mind. They will not be rash decisions, but determinations reached after thorough consideration.

In keeping with the adjustments that I am considering, please be aware that our Terms and FAQs will be updated accordingly, once they are finalized. Additionally, the How It Works page will be completed and released, and Terms for Banner and Text Ads Submission will also be posted.

Work continues on resolving tickets, some of the responses have been delayed due to my unavailability. Moni and I will work through those tickets that require my input for resolution, starting with the oldest waiting tickets.

We have also decided that as of next week, we will implement the use of the 5 digit PIN so that members may once again take care of profile updates like payprocessor and email updating themselves. This will relieve pressure on HelpDesk, and also speed up the process so members are not left waiting for changes to be made. Now that we have the PIN set up for PIF we can also use it for ID verification for profile changes.

I really want to say “Thank You” to everyone who has sent me supportive and caring messages, prayers and well wishes in the last few weeks, especially since my son's accident. It means so much to me to have your support and it gives me strength and has helped me get through this nightmare. For that I am truly grateful.

Some people have been less kind, posting nasty comments about myself, Moni and Dr Lieven in the forums. Never have I seen so many untruths and misguided statements, hurtful and vicious comments and outright lies. Very sad to see. I wonder what miserable lives some people must lead to be able to come up with these vile comments. It is not for these people that we work.

I also want to make a special mention to those team leaders out there who continue to guide and reassure in some cases very significant downlines through their own team and group webinars etc. I truly appreciate and am honored by your support and loyalty throughout out this challenging time. Holding webinars and team meetings without information to share cannot have been easy and I congratulate you on your efforts. You are all rockstars.

With much love and respect,

Analie Steinway

Let's see what is going to happen... Fingers crossed. I think I don't have any fingers left to cross anymore ;P

I've stopped purchasing...

Hi friends!

From today on I won't be purchasing any more ad packages at HourlyRevShare. I'm starting to be concerned about what is going on. They have told us some times already that they have enough money to pay what they owe to the members, still they do not pay us and I still have a pending withdrawal waiting for months.
What I will do now is request a withdrawal every time I have $100 in my account and hope that they will pay...

Best of luck!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Money Received

Hi there!
Got my money from my last withdrawal request  at HourlyRevShare yesterday evening :) This was my request from April the 30th.
Now I have just one pending withdrawal which I'm sure they will payout soon ;)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

HRS webinar with Admin


Sorry for the delay but my Skype is lagging big time and I just got the link a few minutes ago :( As I wrote yesterday here is the link to the webinar with HourlyRevShare Admin Analie:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Commissions being paid in HRS


Just another short update to let you know that HourlyRevShare is paying ad pack commissions again. I've been able to purchase new ad packages several times since yesterday with my earnings.
There will be a webinar today with Analie, HRS Admin, and I will post it here once it is available online ;)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Received funds in my account :)

Hi there friends!

Nce to see some movement in my HourlyRevShare account: I got paid commissions, but I still have two pending withdrawals. Anyway I'm glad that I've been at least able to purchase some new ad packs. Due to the pause we've haven't earned any commissions from our active ad packs thus I haven't been able to purchase new ones to keep the commissions growing. When my stats were updated many of my ad packs have matured, making my commissions fall. What I did is spend 90% of my earnings in purchasing new positions. I'll keep buying till Saturday, if we start earning like we should again. Then I stop buying for three days and request a new withdrawal on Tuesday.
Lets see what happens ;)

HourlyRevShare Webinar.

Hi Friends!

Here a short post just to leave the link to yesterdays HourlyRevShare webinar. Just a little info about what is going on ;) Would like to know more but this is all...

Here is also the link to the recent payouts:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Info about HourlyRevShare

Hi there friends!

Just wanted to update you about HourlyRevShare with a message I got from one of the Skype rooms:
[18/05/2013 17:01] Just an FYI reminder from the helpdesk

Regarding the current status of the HRS website.

Several points to note:

Ad packs are continuing with normal behavior but the site pause means that the accrual is not currently reflected in the dashboard balances.  All of your balances will automatically update to current upon your first login following the officially lifting of the site pause.

Any current appearance of abnormality in dashboard details should be reevaluated following your first login after the site pause is officially lifted. 

Payments for withdrawal requests are going out for April 16, 23, and 30.

Each withdrawal request is treated as a separate transaction; payments will not be combined.

The Recent Payments list on the site is only a partial list of the actual payments completed in any given time period. Your payment(s) and those of your team mates may or may not be included in that partial listing. Usernames shown there are partially xx'd out for privacy and security reasons.

Information shown in the Recent Payments list cannot be extrapolated to assume daily totals regarding payment processors, number of payments or dollar amounts. Actual figures are not disclosed.

We are not able to provide payment status information on an individual basis, nor can we accelerate or cancel payment requests.

All site and program status updates will be posted in the NEWS section on the site as they become available.
Fingers Crossed ;)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Update about the HRS Pause

Hi there friends!

Just got this update from the HourlyRevShare admin:
Automated Payments!

We have been testing semi-automation for paying the withdrawal requests and it’s going very well. Now we are ready to go live!

This new system will take all of the pending requests and process them according to established parameters to coordinate with daily payout budgets.

Say what?


Each day has a payout budget. On any given day, the script might  fill the budget with smaller amounts, the next day with larger amounts, another day, it may be a wider spread and include some smaller and some larger amounts.  Requests will be paid totally randomly within this structure.

The withdrawals currently pending from the 16th, 23rd and the 30th will be treated as one big batch. This means that as the script compiles the daily payout batches, the dates can be mixed. You might find you get paid for the 30th before the 23rd. You might find you receive all of your outstanding payments on the same day. You might find you have 3 payments come in one each on different days through the next 2 weeks. It is purely random, based on the script compiling the batches to match the daily payout budget.

This mixing of dates is only for the next two weeks, till all of the currently pending withdrawals are processed. Beginning with the May 21st withdrawals, there will only be one withdrawal date in consideration for each payout period.

Projections indicate that payments for all currently pending withdrawals can be completed within the next 2 weeks. In the case of invalid payment processor ID’s or payment processor accounts that cannot receive the funds transfer, additional time will be required to address these manually.

While this is much more efficient than doing the whole thing manually, we have to remember it is still not instant. Someone will be first, a whole bunch of people will be in the middle, and someone will be last. Comparing who gets what each day will not be a predictor of who will get what the next day, but each day will bring more payouts and more smiles. Feel free to dance if you like. We will all receive our payments and this particular bottleneck will be behind us.

To recap what will and will not be available for the next two weeks:




New withdrawals

Rebates posting. When site reopens, rebates will calculate and post up to date on login.


Not paused:

Purchasing of new ad packs

Payouts of existing withdrawal requests


Once again, we thank you all for your continued support and encouragement and patience as we work through growing pains to keep HRS strong and thriving for our ever expanding family.

With much love and respect,

Analie Steinway
Cool they've added this auto payment feature. I'm curious to see when I'll receive me two pending withdrawals ;)
So our rebates will be posted again once the HRS pause is over.
Fingers Crossed !! ;)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Important updare for HourlyRevShare

Hi there friends!

Just wanted to share with your the new update from HourlyRevShare:
Dear HRS Family,

Normally it's either me or Moni who writes the Newsletter, but before
I share some Updates on the PayOuts of the Withdrawals, I want to
insert a part that was written by our entrusted Dr. Lieven.

“Dear Fellow HRS Friends

Thank You Analie, for letting me share a few words with all the Members
and for the privilege for revealing this next Truly Amazing News.

Topping 50,000 in membership, and close to the 2,000 Alexa Mark
(that means we're part of the 2,000 Most Visited Websites in the World)
HourlyRevShare™ has seen tremendous growth in the first few months.


What started out as the dream and manifestation of one woman’s idea to develop a Practical Way to Empower and Serve Humanity Globally, has quickly outgrown the capacity of any one person to maintain.

Bringing Moni onboard for HRS Member Services, and adding Connie and the Help Desk Support Team, and over 20 Skype Rooms with all the great help of the Moderators, even the beautifully Newly Designed Site,...
...all have been the right FIRST STEPS to enhance and improve Member Experience, Ease of Use and Member Support.


Now it’s time for the NEXT STEP - an Upgrade TRANSFORMATION and Upgrade RESTRUCTURING, to lay new foundations for the Next Phase of HourlyRevShare™ - we can call it HRS-II.
HRS-II is to be a Stronger, Regenerated Platform that can serve and also sustain not only our current membership, but will be Robust and Stable to also WELCOME and ACCOMMODATE hundreds of thousands of NEW members who will be joining us both immediately and over time.


First and foremost, as many have expressed, Analie needs to be able to take a much needed and well deserved BREAK, to Recharge and Refresh.

It has been over 3 Months that I have urged Analie to TAKE A BREAK and allow herself to STEP BACK and RELAX for a few days. And almost every week, Analie would promise me: "Soon Doc, very Soon... perhaps already next week!". Well... every week, it's been "One Thing" and the following week, it's been "Another Thing". That is how Dedicated this Lady really is.


And as many of you know, Analie not only manages the HRS Membership, but she also does her Expert Forex Investing, and she negotiates the best Advertising Revenue and Profits with all the Different Advertising Partners, all of which constitutes the Profits that are shared by all of you. Plus, she has 2 beautiful Children - who deserve and want the attention of their Mom.
What a Professional Juggling Act that must be.

Did you know that since the early onset of HRS (back in December 2012) that Analie HAS NOT TAKEN ANY VACATION?

So... NOW  (and I do really mean "RIGHT NOW")

                it is TIME for Analie to take some "ANALIE-TIME"

And in spite of what some of the Pessimistic Critics for sure will cook up, don't worry - Analie will NOT take Your Money and secretly "Ride off into the Sunset". Analie has already well proven her Integrity and Honesty.


This is a 2 Week Break, which will include:

Analie will come to Ireland and will have access to some of the finest Spa Treatments and UnStressing Techniques

b) Phase Two: to BRAIN-STORM with Several of the Leaders in HRS, via VideoConference. And the plan is that Moni will also fly in from New Zealand, to meet and Join with Analie.

c) Phase Three: to make all the Final Decisions for the UPGRADE to the New, Improved and Empowered HRS-II


Below, Analie will share a few words,
regarding the Withdrawals of the 16th.

However, Withdrawal requests for the 23rd and 30th will just wait. And I know that some folks will get all upset about this - and for sure the Rumor mill will have a hay day again... but THIS IS NECESSARY to be able to allow Analie (who is our Head Leader) to "TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS" and then Pick things Up again with Renewed Power and Strength.


Now... these 2 Weeks will not just "Silently or Obscurely" Happen behind the curtain, where you're left in the Dark, to Worry and Wonder... instead - as of Phase Two (which will probably coincide with Week 2 of the Break) there will be ongoing Briefings via Newsletter and Skype Rooms.

                              And... somewhere in Week 2
                                   (date to be announced),
                       we will finally ENJOY ALL TOGETHER
                         a HUGE LIVE VIDEO BROADCAST
                         and WEBINAR with Analie, herself.

(by that time, Analie will be so Refreshed and Relaxed, she will be Full of Energy and Radiance again - and feel like she felt, when she started)

And with Moni also here, in Ireland - she too will be live on the Webinar.
So, we will make it a Huge Online Virtual "Celebration" and the ideal setting to "unveil" and share with all of you, the NEW HRS-II.

We will be back shortly in full support of the HRS mission, to continue to serve the membership and facilitate significant positive change in the lives of those individuals who share the HRS vision.

Everything will be paused:

              The Regular site will be Visible - but only the NEWSLETTER.
        The Account Management will be temporarily inaccessible
        Help desk will be temporarily inaccessible (you will see why)
Scheduled and impromptu updates will be announced via Newsletter and in the Skype Chat rooms. Aside from these official announcements, the Skype rooms will be NEWS-MODE only.


               Your Funds are perfectly safe
               Your Accounts are perfectly safe
               Your Ad Packs will not age, but no value will be lost

When we unpause:

               HRS 2.0 will be released
               Full site functionality will return
               Ad packs will begin ticking again
               Fresh Payments will resume
               Help Desk and Support will be available 24/7

Thank You Analie for letting me share this part of the NewsLetter, and also for allowing me to be "Your Wellness Host" to Welcome you to Ireland.

I know... and on a Deep Heart Level... I trust and KNOW that HRS is not only "FINE"... but is METAMORPHOSING (re-shaping) into what will no doubt become One of The Leading Home Business Programs on the Web.

With Kind Regards,
Dr. Lieven


As promised, here is the latest status of 16th April withdrawal payout progress:

      Completion Level:   80%,  approx. 1500 - 2000 payouts remaining
      Completion Date:   9th May, Midnight server-time (London time)

DID YOU KNOW........

This week alone, already over $1 Million in payouts for the 16th??
Tuesday:  $200K
Wednesday: $300K
Thursday:  $500K


This week, HRS will KISS the 52000 member mark.....
as of the time of this newsletter, we stand 51930 family
members STRONG! Welcome to ALL new members who
have joined us since the last newsletter and congratulations
to all sponsors who have shared the blessing of HRS with
these lucky people. BIG Thumbs UP to you!

Please please please do NOT email, skype PM, FB PM
Moni, Analie, Connie or the Dr about your payout.
Please do not put extra pressure on anyone, taking
 time away from getting on with business. 

In closing, I would like to thank you all for your kindness
your patience and the love and support you continue to
show Moni and myself, day after day, week after week.
You have no idea how much this means to us, to me in

Yours, with much love and respect

Ok, so now HRS will sop working for some days so there will no access to the back office and the as packs will not earn us money and will restart earning again when HRS re-launches. My withdrawals for the 23rd and the 30th will have to wait till the re-launch as well.
I hope this all works out fine and we will be back in the game soon.